Hassle-free projects? Yes, please.
Here's how we achieve that for you:
Discovery Stage You decided you want to work with us, that's great. Now we need to understand the business case for the product you want to build in order to break up the project into clear milestones, put together the team, establish the technology stack, estimate time and effort, provision a timeline.So at this stage a Business Analyst from our team will get in touch with your team or with your product owner/manager. This is when you transfer the basic concepts of your product to our team. At this stage we will :
What you need to do at this stage
Planning Stage We'll prepare a solution and proposition including:
high level design
technology stack
team composition
included activities
major milestones
total costs
options of work flow: project based, sprint based, milestone based
What you need to do at this stage:
Setup Stage This is the part where we prepare for writing the code to implement the product based on the features and the documents resulted at the previous stage. For this purpose we shall:
What you need to do at this stage:
Developing Stage The team will start to write the code, design the database, build up the architecture and the scaffolding first. At every step a Project Manager will make sure the project stays on track. A QA engineer shall make sure that what is done is in accordance with the agreed project plan.
What you need to do at this stage:
User Acceptance Stage This is when our team reached the end of the project, the end of a milestone or the end of a sprint. The complete work is ready for your team to validate and user-test the developed features on a demo version.
If this is reached at the end of a sprint, this is where we need to collaboratively evaluate progress and plan for future sprints.
What you need to do at this stage:
Deployment stage This is when you are satisfied with the project we built and you want to put it live, or in production mode. Our team will setup the servers and third party services for the live version. We'll test everything works as expected and as accepted during the previous stage, ensuring the quality and readiness for launch.
What you need to do at this stage:
Maintenance and support stage Now we take care of any maintenance and support activity your team may require after launch. We can make adjustments and even add features to keep your product thriving. Together we can tweak the performance and adapt the product to higher load, more users, more data and help write requirements for new features or improvements.